by Joe Shear | Mar 31, 2020 | Fireplace Information
Homeowners who own a fireplace understand the value of having a fireplace in their home. The association with fireplaces goes beyond just providing heat. Fireplaces can also provide a cozy, rustic, or luxurious ambiance to your home. In addition to this, a fireplace...
by Joe Shear | Nov 29, 2019 | Fireplace Information
If you own a fireplace, you know that it takes a lot of skill and hard work to operate it. There are many things that can affect how well your fireplace operates and it often takes a chimney or ventilation specialist to determine what steps need to be taken to make...
by Joe Shear | Mar 28, 2017 | Gas Fireplace FAQ
Are you interested in converting? No, we’re not wading into the controversial territories of religion or politics. Are you in interested in converting from a wood-burning to a gas-fueled fireplace? We can help. Let’s have that discussion. We won’t be evangelists or...
by Joe Shear | Jan 25, 2017 | Fireplace Information
For a moment, forget about your resolution to quit a nasty habit or take up a healthy replacement. Set aside for a second all those resolves for a leaner, shinier 2017 model of You. Besides, by the time March 1 rolls around, how many of those resolutions will even be...
by Joe Shear | Dec 13, 2016 | Fireplace Information
The Yule log is a scene we all know. This log presents an iconic tableau of holiday serenity and family solidarity. Historians debate its origins, but we know the image: crackling wood with dancing yellow flames in a fireplace. It’s the image of cozy holiday cheer....
by Joe Shear | Sep 28, 2016 | Gas Fireplace FAQ
Exactly what is a gas fireplace? A persnickety reader might insist on calling it a gas-burning fireplace or a gas-fueled fireplace. That’s what it is: a fireplace that burns gas as its heating fuel. By gas, we mean natural gas or propane. What are some of the...