by Joe Shear | Jan 15, 2016 | Fireplace Maintenance
We live in an age of rapid technological advance. And even though some aspects of fireplace design may always remain the same — something burns; something yields heat; exhaust goes up the chimney — innovation in fireplace design brings efficiency and savings. That’s...
by Joe Shear | Oct 16, 2014 | Energy-efficient, Fireplace Information, Gas Heating, Heating Options
Here in New York, the weather can get chilly and downright cold at times. What better way to survive the cold than snuggled up in front of a roaring fireplace? In fact, there’s really not a good reason why you shouldn’t get a fireplace in your home—it just makes...
by Joe Shear | Sep 30, 2014 | Energy-efficient, Fireplace Information, Heating Options
The cooler time of the year is rapidly approaching and with it comes the need for homeowners to determine whether their current heating arrangement is going to cut the proverbial mustard again this year. One popular heating method that not everyone may be familiar...
by Joe Shear | Jul 29, 2014 | Fireplace Information, Heating Options
If you’ve been thinking about adding a new fireplace to your home, Northeastern Fireplace is a perfect place to start your hunt — we carry a wide variety of hearth appliances from the best names in the industry, and our team members are experts in helping clients...
by Joe Shear | Apr 9, 2014 | Fireplace Information, Maintenance
Do you love the warmth and cozy vibe of your fireplace or wood-burning stove, but not necessarily the way it looks? Just because fireplaces are old-fashioned doesn’t mean that they have to look old-fashioned. The modern hearth can actually look very modern, even...