Is one kind of firewood better than another?
Yes. Some woods burn more efficiently than others, and some burn more cleanly, too. Your choice of the type of firewood you burn affects the quality and type of fire you have in your fireplace or stove. Northeastern Fireplace & Design recommends hardwoods such as oak, hickory, and elm because hardwoods produce a longer-lasting fire. So, plywood is not your ideal choice.
What is meant by “seasoning” firewood?
Seasoning your firewood means drying it out, and that, quite simply, takes time, more than anything else, as the term “seasoning” implies.
What benefits does seasoning your firewood bring?
Seasoned firewood tends to light more easily and burn more readily and efficiently. Burning seasoned firewood improves the performance of your fireplace or stove. Seasoned firewood has about 20 percent moisture content. It has several important characteristics and features that affect combustion. For example, employing seasoned firewood typically results in less creosote buildup and less smoke.
How do you season firewood?
Stack it and dry it for at least six months before you burn it in your fireplace or wood-burning stove. Some fireplace owners season their firewood for a full year. A few folks would contend that you can season firewood in only three months, but that’s pushing it. Sun and wind are big helps in seasoning your firewood. With that in mind, we recommend piling your chopped firewood in a place where the sun can warm it and the wind can dry it. Space the rows enough apart so that sun and wind can do their work. Lots of people also prefer to put the wood being seasoned on a raised platform.
What about storage?
Northeastern Fireplace & Design suggests you cover the wood you are seasoning with a tarp or plastic. But that can be tricky. To take full advantage of the drying effects of wind and sun, consider leaving the wood fully exposed during the day. If the forecast calls for clear weather, you might leave the wood open and uncovered in the daytime. If there’s a chance of rain, you can cover it.
What’s all the talk about “burning responsibly”?
It refers to environmental stewardship. Responsible burning produces low emissions and minimizes impacts on air quality. The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, or HPBA, has tips on “responsible wood burning”.
May we call you or talk about firewood in person?
By all means. Our firewood specialists are eager to share their experiences, and those of our many customers over the years, regarding firewood burning, seasoning, and storage. Northeastern Fireplace & Design has trained professionals ready to offer expert advice and guidance at our Selkirk, NY headquarters. Contact us online anytime or call (518) 767-9314. We like any conversation about firewood, fireplaces, or chimneys.
Why call Northeastern Fireplace & Design?
For decades, we’ve loyally served customers throughout the Capital District including Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Saratoga Spring, Poughkeepsie, Pittsfield, MA, and the surrounding areas. We have 35+ years of making customers happy throughout the region.